Special Instructions (Please read carefully)
International School Olympiads will be conducted online and the students will have to take the exams from their residence or any other place where they have access to computer with good Internet connectivity. Schools, subscribing to these exams, may decide to conduct these exams using their computer lab. The exam can't be taken using Mobile device. Hence, the student should have access to a good laptop/desktop with latest version of the browser (preferably Google Chrome) and 2 Mbps Internet connectivity.

International School Olympiads brings progressive thinking and hence, is quite different from traditional Olympiad exams. Please read our Olympiad Guide Book Properly(available on the website) to know more.

It’s in the best interest of students not to use any unfair means while attempting these exams. These exams are AI proctored. These exams are just a first step for a much bigger goal of appearing for competitive exams that are being conducted online these days. You can read more about unfair practices in our FAQ section.

Please check the exam dates. We will provide flexibility to the students to select one of the two exam dates. Exam will be available for 24hrs on this date. Exam can be attempted anytime once between this 24hrs duration, however once started exam will end in its fixed duration of 1 hour.
You can login to student panel here: https://candidate.speedexam.net/signin.aspx?site=schoololympiads
Please use your username/email id and password created at the time of registration to log into the panel
If you have forgotten your password, there is an option to reset it at the login panel page

We take preparation seriously. Hence, there would be one (1) practice exam, provided complimentary as per exam schedule mentioned. We have also provided sample papers on our website and offer Free Study Material as comprehensive E-Books to all participating students.

Do read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) thoroughly.

For any queries or suggestions, do write to us at [email protected].
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