Special Instructions (Please read carefully)
Important Instructions about Exam


1. The timer has been set for the exam, and a countdown will display the remaining time. When the timer runs out, the exam will end automatically. No further action will be required after that.

2. You can flag any question that you want.

3. If you don't want to submit any of your provided answers, you can clear them. You can move forward and backward between your questions.

4. If you choose to drop this exam, it will not be submitted, and no result will be generated.

5. Once you finish the exam, you cannot resume it.

6. Please use only Laptop/Desktop to appear for the exam, please don't use mobile phones as few functionalities will not work on mobile phones/tabs.

7. Please don't close or refresh the browser during the exam, else the exam will be terminated.

8. Please ensure no pop-ups/updates should run in the laptop background while the student is giving the exams.

9. In case of a power-off or internet failure, try to resume the exam from where you have left, if in case you are unable to do so, please reach out to us on: [email protected] , we will try to reinstate the exam on the same day or give you an alternative date for the exam.

10. There is a triangle shaped play button in case of audio questions, you need to click them to start the audio, use a headphone to listen to the audio clearly. In front of audio there are 3 dots, please use those dots to increase or decrease the speed of audio, if required.

11. The questions will be either in MCQ format or Fill in the blanks format. 

12. There are few trick questions with more than one correct answer, opting for any of the correct answer will give a +1 marks

13. There is no -ve marking in this exam.

14. If any question is incorrect, please inform us via feedback form at the end of the exam. We will add marks of that question to your result if you have opted for it.
(* Required Fields)